A few people have asked for explanation of the show and my part in it though, so I thought I'd take the time to elaborate here:
Once Upon a Mattress is The Princess and the Pea like you've never seen it before, because it's told by a minstrel who was actually there at the time of the princess' arrival. The kingdom is small and somewhat backward, but mostly because the Queen has decreed that no one is allowed to marry until the Prince does, yet won't allow him to marry any of the princesses that have come to the kingdom already.
Amid the craziness of this kingdom are two star-crossed lovers, Sir Harry, a newly knighted young man, and his fiancee Lady Larken. As the play begins, Lady Larken has some shocking news. Due to an... ummm... 'moment of weakness' Larken announces to a dumbstruck Harry that she's carrying his child, which creates quite a predicament and leads to his quest to bring back a true princess to wed their prince and save them all from lives lacking in love.
That's right, I play Sir Harry - the brave, but not quite bright young knight whose... eagerness... has landed him in hot water, and who brings back the Princess Winnifred to win the hand of the Prince and help them all live happily ever after... eventually.
It's a really funny show. Very tongue-in-cheek. The play runs from June 5-June 27 playing every Friday, Saturday, and Monday within that time. So come one, come all, and enjoy!!