Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Derrik T. Legler, MBA

One of the things I love most about working in education is the motivation it gives me to achieve the goals I've set for myself. The connection there might not be immediately apparent, so allow me to explain:
While I was in college and trying to figure out what it was I wanted to do with my life, I took a class in linguistics. It changed my entire life's plan. Up to that point I had decided I wanted to go to medical school and become a pediatric oncologist. Around the same time as I was beginning my foray into the fascinating world of linguistics I was also in a pre-med biology class that convinced me I did not want to be a doctor. It wasn't a question of the content or the work itself, it was the people. (Anyone who has seen "House" will not need to wonder what I'm referring to. He's fiction, but there are more people like that in medicine than most people realize.) I decided then that I no longer wanted to work in medicine, but the question of what I really did want remained unanswered. A few months later I was hired as a new employee trainer at the Nu Skin call center, and suddenly everything became clear. I discovered that I love to teach. And so I decided to work toward a career teaching the thing that I had gained a fascination and a passion for: linguistics.
Again you're asking, what does this have to do with anything? And how is this connected to the title of this post and an MBA? Well as I'm sure you can tell, the answer to that is a little complicated, but I'm getting there. In order for me to pursue a career as a college professor teaching linguistics, I would first need to obtain a PhD. So after I graduated with my BA in linguistics, my plan was to find a job in Salt Lake, thinking I would start a MA program in Applied Linguistics at the U, and be on track to then pursue a PhD.
Then comes the answer to all my prayers. I land a job at the University of Phoenix. (For more detail on that, scroll down a little.) The thing is though, I can't start the MA program at the U until Fall of 2009, so what was I going to do with my time until then?
My job at the University of Phoenix is in enrollment, and as I was working with students looking at getting into school at UOPX, I realized that there was no reason why I shouldn't get started right now in a program here, and maybe even be mostly done with a Master's by next fall when I start at the U. Since I'm an employee it's a little more flexible and I can take a break if I need to and attend the U, then during the following summer go back to UOPX, finish an MBA, and then complete the MA at the U by 2011.
So starting on Monday, I begin my program at UOPX pursuing an MBA with an emphasis in Global Management. I'm really excited about it. Not only does it make me more attractive to PhD schools having two master's degrees. I will have the business education and skills I need to get a really great job to help finance the rest of my education.
Talk about a 5 year plan! I've got what should have taken 5 years, down to a 3 year plan!!

1 comment:

Katey said...

I'm glad you posted. I can't believe you start school so soon though. Wow. It's great that you've figured out a nice 5 year plan. I hope to get a year or so plan here in order soon. Still not sure about the school thing for me but it's still out there...on a little shelf in my mind in a cupboard that I pass and look in but never really take anything out of...hmmmm