At last, after months of hardship, pain, and travail, I have found a new job that will finally allow me to bid a final farewell to the town of Cougars. I have but one thing to say.
I am sorry if this offends those of you that call Provo your home, but in all honesty I cannot apologize for my elation. I have never been a "Provo Person" and never will be. There's too much city boy in me and I like it that way. I do not begrudge others their enjoyment of Provo and its people, and I ask that they not begrudge me my preference for other areas.
As of August 1st, 2008 I will begin new employment as an enrollment counselor at the University of Phoenix. They have a campus right down the road from where I'm currently living in Holladay, and so I say goodbye to my daily commute of 82.3 miles. With gas prices continuing to rise with no end in sight, this change will not only save me a ton of money, but the job gives me a rather significant pay bump. (did I mention WOO HOOOOO!!! ?)
Being the east coaster that I am it has often been the case as I have lived in Utah, for me to feel at odds with others. Not that I (generally) felt ostracised or like an outsider per se, but let's all be honest. I'm an odd duck. This is the conclusion I've come to and I make no bones about it. It really comes down to the fact that the people who understand and accept me with all my oddities are rather few and far between. That's why I like bigger cities. With more people I have a better chance of making really good friends, instead of superficial "I'll-hang-out-with-you-because-I've-been-taught-my-whole-life-to-be-a-good-fellowshipping-mormon" type friends.
So while Provo has been where I have spent my days for the past 4 years, I can now finally claim to have graduated from happy valley. Hallelujah!!
First, congratulations on the job! While we haven't gotten out of Utah Valley yet, we were certainly happy to be rid of Provo as well.
Second, my odd duck friend, I think you're swell. Is that because I'm not so normal either? Probably.
Third, Peter thinks every song is from a show. Whenever I start singing something he'll ask, "What's that from?" And since my repertoire is almost exclusively Broadway (and church stuff) I usually have an answer for him.
That is all.
I'm really glad that Peter is growing up with such a strong foundation in the important things in life. :o)
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