The point is though, going to that concert really got me thinking. Why is it that I'm always surrounded by all the talented people? Everywhere I look. At church, at work, hanging with friends. It's like being surrounded by super heroes! How are the rest of us mortals suppsoed to feel? Now I'm not saying I don't have talents. I know that I do. But there's nothing that I can do that a lot of other people can't do better. For example: I sing, but this is Utah - everyone can sing, and most people better than I can. I dance pretty well, but I learned to dance at BYU - everyone dances at BYU, and most people better than I can. I'm good at languages - but take a poll of people in your ward's Elders' Quorum and see how many speak a foreign language. For that matter take a poll in Relief Society! (For any non-mormons around... sorry. Church reference)
See what I mean? I'm not athletic, so don't go there. I'm outgoing, but not the super outgoing, makes-friends-with-everyone type. I am the ultimate jack of all trades, but master of none.
So I've been thinking about it today, and I thought to myself, if I had any one talent that was really incredible. One talent that really set me apart from the rest, what would it be? I came up with the only logical response - I'd want to be able to fly. That's right. I want to fly.
Now I know what you're thinking. "Let's keep this in the realms of reality, Derrik," and you're totally right! But if I'm going to be surrounded by super heroes as it is, why shouldn't I get a super-power! Is that so much to ask? After all, there may be no possible way on this earth that I will ever be able to fly. (Maybe) But I can tell you for sure, that there is no possible way I will ever - no matter how much I practice - be able to sing like a rock star, dance professionally, or learn all the languages I want to learn. So since none of those will ever work either, I may as well wish to fly. I feel like I have a better shot at that one.
1 comment:
Question: HOW does superman fly? what propels him? he doesn't DO anything. if he wants to go faster, he sometimes looks really mad and clenches his hands into fists. i can't see any correlation between speed and position of the arms either.
i was thinking about this the other night, so thank you for providing a forum for my question.
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